The upside of the lockdown is that I for once have time to get to my pet projects that I have been neglecting over the years due to work and training commitments. One of my projects has been providing a sharing community of practice for Mathsliteracy teachers. I fortunately had wonderful caring sharer bees who kept the community going and sharing selflessly of their work, lessons and papers. Unfortunately the Ning platform that it was hosted on has become to expensive due to the large community of teachers and the resources that they have shared. I have therefore decided to move the community to my own server, and design a platform that will hopefully cater more effectively to everybody’s needs.
The site will be divided into 2 separate areas, a general Mathslit area, open to everybody, but mainly aimed at learners. Here we will curate lessons and resources from across the web suitable for the learning of Mathslit for grades 10 to 12. Then there will be a teachers area that will only be available to our teacher community were we can share, not only material and resources, but also support one another as we have been doing all along.