We know you are so stressed due to not being able to go back to school yet. But don’t worry, you don’t have to fall behind. You can start working on the CAPS topics for this tearm so long. We have collected a number of resources and all the exam papers and memos for you to get stuck in so long. Remember to have fun!
Online site with lessons and resources
- STEM Lockdown school Mathslit online lessons
Daily live lessons at 15:00 on Zoom
Archives here - e-Classroom Mathslit (English) (Afrikaans)
- 2Enable (the whole curriculum broken down into topics with videos, Just register and start working through all the topics)
- FS-IBP Online 2.0 (A Range of topics with video lessons)
- Mindset video lessons for grade 12
- Esme Buytenhuys Youtube Grade 12 mathslit video lessons
Topical learning pathways and programmes
If you want to do revision or work through the curriculum topics, you can make use of the sites above and create your won learning pathway or revision programme. here is a few sites were it is already laid out for you!
Texbooks and study guides:
- Via Africa Mathematical Literacy Study guide (Free)
- To see all the available textbooks for mathslit for grade 12, see here.
Exam papers and memos
Mobile Maths literacy apps

- 2Enable